Sunday, January 2, 2011

Nape Damage Update

For may people the nape area ( hair line and area at the neck) is very sensitive and most prone to breakage.  Before the start of my HHJ, I wore three sew-in weaves back to back which not only caused my hair to thin and break off all over, but it completely left my right nape area broken off about 2 inches from the scalp! With proper care and keeping a close eye on this area of damage,  I can finally get this area into a pony tail along with the rest of my hair.  Here are pics of the growth progress.

June 2010

January 2011


  1. Hey! I'm going to start on my HHJ, and my nape and sides are the main issues.
    Do you have any tips on how I can take care of them so they will grow?

    1. Hi there!

      Be sure to leave any styles that put stress on your nape and edges out of the picture. No braids, and if you wear a ponytail be sure to not pull it too tight. Also many forget to include these areas when they moisturize and seal daily. If these areas don't get sufficient moisture, they won't grow long! Good Luck and send me progress pics!

  2. What did you do to make it grow so long after breaking?

    1. Dear Reader,

      See my very first blog posts to see what regimin I used to repair my damaged hair. Proper care is key to healthy hair. It needs sufficient moisture, minimal mechanical and chemical stress and a healthy balance of protein.
