Saturday, August 20, 2011

Dry Hair

For the past 2 weeks I have been training hard for my half marathon coming up this weekend, and I feel  like my hair has suffered some neglect. I did not even have time to deep condition this week : ( Which is the first time I have skipped a DC since the start of my journey. The workouts leave my hair riddled with drying salt, and with doing only the quick hair regimen steps, I have hair that is dryer than normal. I also think their may be some porosity issues there too.

Porosity is the term used in the science of hair care to describe how easily water and other matter can diffuse back and forth through the cuticle layer and into or out of the cortex. Hair is much like a sponge, capable of absorbing water and other substances from the environment, and also susceptible to losing precious moisture and lipids to the environment. Maintaining an optimal balance of moisture in your hair preserves its suppleness, strength, and shine. This is especially important for those of us with curly hair, as it greatly influences the health and beauty of our tresses.

The Fix : On my way to the Beauty supply store right now to pick up some Roux Porosity Conditioner
Just a $2.00 sample pack is all I will need. This with some clarifying and much needed deep conditioning should fix the dryness for sure. I will also stick to Co-washing only, no shampoo ( after this 1 clarifying wash) for the next 2 weeks.

1 comment:

  1. Seems like you're on top of the situation, your hair will be back to normal in no time.
