Sunday, October 23, 2011

Update: Loving My Hair!!!

I am almost a year and a half into my HJ and I officially have my dream hair! Its not at my ultimate goal of Waist length, but a full BSL and I just love the length, texture, and fullness! I NEVER thought this hair would be attainable for me. It crazy that I was able to acquire it in what feels like no time flat.  Knowledge really is the key to anything you want in life.

I did my Phyto Relaxer yesterday...DC and styled with all Phyto products and these are the results : ) I hope to be at MBL by my next birthday of June cross your fingers! All my readers and followers send me pics of your progress so that I may share them with the world. You can help to inspire just as I have.


  1. Congrats to you on your success! Your hair is so beautiful! BSL is my ultimate goal and seeing your results make to motivated to continue on with my hair journey! I am sure you will meet your ultimate goal in no time flat. Keep up the good work! :o)

  2. Thank you Addy! You too will reach your hair goals if you just stay the course ; )

  3. congrats, can't wait to get there

  4. Hi, I'm sure you have explained how you have gotten this far. Can you please enlighten me? I am of hispanic heritage and my hair is very curly. After having my son more than half of my hair fell and it has been so hard to regain it. my hair was below my bra strap at my back and i had to cut it shorter than shoulder length because it is so thin. Please help a sister out. I have been researching the phytorelaxer.. What are your thoughts on my story?

    1. Hi Wanda,
      I think you first need to try to determine what exactly caused your hair to thin and fall out all of a sudden. It could have been a medical reason such as hormone issue so speak with your doctor. For me personally it was simple. I was NOT caring for my hair in the way that it should have been cared for. It was dry and brittle because I neglected keeping it clean, used excessive heat, and failed to moisturize it on a daily basis. If you know you are caring for your hair properly, meaning providing it with adequate moisture, keeping ends protected and trimmed and you are still experiencing hair loss, speak with a dermatologist that specializes in hair lose or a hair restoration expert. Check out my early blog posts to see the regimen I used to repair my damaged hair and get on the path to healthy, longer growth. Hope this helps and best of luck!
